Windows 7 and "Folder In Use" error on network shares
When browsing a network share hosted by my Windows Home Server machine, Windows 7 generates thumbs.db files within each folder that has images or video. If the files were local, it wouldn't be a problem because Windows 7 keeps a centralized store for thumbs.db files, but on a network share it's a huge annoyance because it keeps me from being able to move or rename the folder. I get a "Folder In Use" error after trying to rename/move a network share that I've just viewed. If I wait a minute or two and hit Try Again, all is well. I also hate the simple fact that it's creating all these files, even though they're hidden by default, and it's dirtying up my very well groomed file structure. Is there a way to disable the creation of thumbs.db files within the network share specifically? Or at least is there a way to make it so they cache in a centralized store such as they do with local directories? I'd rather not disable thumbnail caching altogether if possible. I understand the performance implications from disabling thumbnail caching entirely, but I don't search network shares via thumbnails much anyway. And the loss of productivity from having to wait to rename/move the folder far outweighs the lack of being able to see a thumbnail for me.
July 22nd, 2009 5:56pm

Anyone else experiencing the same issues? I figured this to be a common annoyance.
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July 27th, 2009 5:07pm

im not sure but in GPO setting theres a way to prevent caching the choosen extension which i did in my settings,if my memory doesnt fail its in the User configuration tab,dont remember exactly where it was but i know i did here and set to prevent caching .db and others!!hope this helps..Best regards,RR
July 27th, 2009 5:58pm

I believe I've found the fix. Under gpedit, enable this setting and then reboot. User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Explorer > Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs.db files So far, after deleting a few of the thumbs.db files and then viewing the directory again, they haven't been recreated.
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July 27th, 2009 8:18pm

This is an extremely annoying "feature" of windows 7. It is one of those bugs that microsoft will ignore because most people do not use the network enough to encounter it frequently. It is quite sad that they could not find this during testing. I was going crazy after ten minutes of installing windows 7. It happens on every computer with every version of 7.
January 26th, 2010 5:47am

Hi there, this very uncomfortable "feature" is driving me crazy. a "workaround" is to manage renaming etc. directly on whs via remotedesktop working with the shared folders on d: but as i think to remember, its not recommended. unfortunately i´m using a german version of win7 ultimate and didn´t find any item beeing comparable to your hint "...Turn off caching..." in gpedit under explorer. Some other ideas? TIA, Alex.
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March 6th, 2010 6:39pm

I am having the same issue. I posted my frustration in here: or less the same issue.
March 7th, 2010 5:58pm

sorry, but the above stated workaround is working here actually, in german version it´s called: "Zwischenspeicherung von Miniaturansichten in versteckten "thumbs.db"-Dateien deaktivieren". One has to look under "Benutzerkonfiguration" - "Administrative Vorlagen" - "Windows-Komponenten" - "Windows Explorer" and set the value above to "Aktivieren". I experienced the problem of locked folders in stored music where the only graphic in a folder is the folder.jpg file which strangely lead win7 to generate thumbs.db on access (just marking a folder is enough!). The whole scenario - win7 ultimate client and a whs server - doesn´t seem to work well because i added the music folders to the music library and set the folder properties to optimize for MUSIC (!). So probably this is a point to start for the dev. teams, because i experience win7 to handle music as music not as graphics. For know i don´t know what problems i´ll experience with my pictures library with this workaround, probably slower thumbnail presentation in pictures folders? thanks to all, LX.
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March 8th, 2010 10:28am

Thanks for the info jahamala, but as a "power" user of lots of videos and photos on a network share, I WANT to have my thumbnails cached, but I don't want that caching to interfere with my productivity. Those two needs should be provided by Microsoft's latest flagship OS (Windows 7), but as yet, I have not seen a solution. Great that you can turn off the "bug" - but we really need is for the bug to be fixed! Thanks.
October 15th, 2010 11:46am

This deserves a bump... it's a very reproducible problem, popping up every time I have a network folder with pics/videos in it. The workaround is to browse to another folder with images, then go back and delete/move the original target folder... but that's just a garbage solution. I don't (necessarily) want to disable all caching... I just want to be able to use my folders as intended. It's actually kinda mind-boggling how many bugs there are in MS software... and how little response each of them gets. With all the bugs that WERE fixed before it was released (and I'm sure there are tons, so thanks to the Windows team for fixing most of them!), it's actually kinda sad that the ones revealed in forums and websites are almost never fixed. Lots of bugs in MS Office regarding printing and file handling... plenty of bugs in Explorer regarding file and folder management. Why doesn't MS set up a task force to go through these bugs that people post online? Obviously a good number of people find them to be annoying enough to post about... Either way, +1 for this issue, and I can confirm this is a bug in the way Explorer releases file handles on thumbs.db on network shares. The problem does not occur on local drives. Haven't tested on a mapped drive.
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March 25th, 2011 9:55am

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